Community service

For whom?

Minors who are referred by the Kortrijk Juvenile Court. They are youngsters who have committed acts defined as an indictable offence.

What do we do?

In his free time, the youngster works a number of unpaid hours in social, cultural, humanitarian or public employment (e.g. a nursing home, an animal shelter, community landscaping…).

Juvenile Court can impose up to 150 hours of community service.

The youngster is addressed on his or her sense of responsibility:

  • The youngster is offered an opportunity to prove to him/herself, the victim, society and his/her parents that he/she wants to put things straight.
  • The youngster is offered an opportunity to make good with society in an active and symbolic way.

How to enrol?

The Juvenile Court informs the youngster, his parents and our services when a community service is imposed. An introductory meeting is planned after which the measure will be started.

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Address: H. Consciencestraat 9/2, 8500 KORTRIJK Telephone: 056/20 63 93 Mail: