Restorative justice mediation

For whom?

Minors who have committed an act defined as an indictable offence, their victims and the context.

What do we do?

Restorative justice mediation is a proposal by the public prosecutor or Juvenile Court where a mediator starts a communication process between the minors suspected of an act defined as an indictable offence, their victims and their context.

The purpose of the communication process that is initiated, is to:

  • Discuss the offence and its consequences;
  • To guide the minor and the victim in a search to find restoration for the consequences of the offence;
  • To present an opportunity to the minor and the victim to reposition themselves with respect to each other and to the offence.

The restorative justice mediation process is based on a number of operational principles:


The parties concerned can voluntarily enter and exit the mediation process.


Only with the consent of the parties will information be communicated from one party to the other.
The outcome of the mediation process can be communicated to the judicial authorities, if the parties so agree.


The mediator assumes a neutral (or rather bilaterally partial) position. The mediator is there for both the offender and the victim, has the interests of both parties in mind and ensures that the balance between the parties is not disturbed.


The mediator explains to the parties directly involved, his role, possibilities and limitations, the purpose and boundaries of the mediation proposal. He will never withhold information.

How to enrol?

Restorative justice mediation is a process initiated by the public prosecutor or Juvenile Court on their own initiative or at the request of an interested party.

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Address: H. Consciencestraat 9/2, 8500 KORTRIJK Telephone: 056/20 63 93 Mail: